Cleola Hamilton - Bahamas Immigration Department

Parliamentary Secretary for Department of Immigration

Immigration, Department of

Hawkins Hill
P. O. Box N-831
Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas

Phone: (242) – 322-8504
Fax: (242) – 326-0977





Cleola Hamilton is the mother of three children, Arnold Augustine, Dedrick Nathaniel and Clachara Telia Hamilton. She is also a member of Evangelistic Temple Church.

Political Highlights: Ms. Hamilton was sworn in as Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration on May 14, 2012.

Present Ministerial Portfolio: Immigration, emigration, naturalisation, citizenship, and work and residency permits.

Education: She pursued and obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Literature and Literary Arts, Diploma in Midwifery, Diploma in Human Resource Management, Certificate in Employment Law, Certificate in Alternative Dispute Resolution, and Masters degree in Public Administration.

Civics/Social: In 1996, Cleola was sensitised to the plight of nurses and could no longer turn a blind eye to the injustices and inequities that existed in the nursing profession. Like Moses, she heeded the Devine calling to become an instrument of change by speaking out and fighting for the rights and civil liberties of nurses as professionals in The Bahamas.
Against all odds and in the face of much adversity, Cleola became instrumental in the formation of the Bahamas Nurses Union, which has evolved into a formidable entity through which nurses can play a positive role in the advancement of the profession through enactment of legislation and policy making.

In 1999 she became president of the Bahamas Nurses Union and laboured tirelessly to better the working conditions of nurses throughout the country. In 2005 she became vice president of the Commonwealth o fThe Bahamas Trade Union Congress, and was named one of the most outstanding persons in The Bahamas by Jones Communications in 2007.

Professional/Career:  Cleola has worked in the Public Service for 32 years. She has served and is presently serving on numerous Committees, Councils and Boards, including the Board of Directors of the Civil Society, National Health and Safety Council, The Blue Ribbon Commission for National Health Insurance and the Nursing Council of the Bahamas for nine years.. a